Motor, detection distande aadjustmeent and heaitng element swithcing.
- The hand dryer has means to adjust manually the distance for detecting hands and
the speed of the drying air.
- The adjustments can be made by moving the respective cursors of the two linear
potentiometers, as shown in figure.
The “motor unit” incorporates a heating element wich could be connected or
disconnected by the
‘ON/OFF’ switch.
- The hand dryer starts automatically when the hands are placed near the LEDs
detection zone, which is just next to the air outlet. Hand detection and the ensuring
starting of the machine is based on emission-reflection-reception of an IR light beam
coming from the sensors. The detection distance is between 120 and 150 mm
approximately. (4.72
– 5.9”).
Adequate cleaning of the hand dryer will extend its useful life. It is recommended to
remove any dust accumulated inside the hand dryer at least once a year.
• Disconnect the hand dryer from the power supply.
• Retirar la carcasa quitando los dos tornillos inferiores.
• Clean away the dust and remove any dirt accumulated inside the hand dryer, using a
dry cloth or a soft brush.
• Clean from the air input to inside the motor (upper part of the nozzle) preventing dust
or dirt falling inside the turbine-motor assembly.