QSEVEN-Q7ALx2 - Preliminary User Guide, Rev. 0.7
// 67
Security Setup Menu
The Security setup menu provides information about the passwords and functions for specifying the security settings
such as Hard Disk user and master passwords.
Figure 21: Security Setup Menu Initial Screen Example
The following table shows the Security sub-screens and functions and describes the content. Default settings are in
bold and for some functions, additional information is included.
The BIOS features in this user guide are open to change and may not be the latest version.
The latest version may have differences to the options and features described in Table 24.
Table 24: Security Setup Menu Initial Screen
Setup Administrator
Sets administrator password
User Password>
Sets user password
HDD Security Configuration>
Read Only Information
Allows access to set, modify and clear Hard Disk user and master passwords.
User Passwords need to be installed for Enabling Security. Master Password
can be modified only when successfully unlocked with the Master Password in
Post. If the ‘Set HDD Password’ is grayed out, then power cycle to enable the
option again.
HDD Password Configuration
Security supported : Yes
Security Enabled : No
Security Locked : No