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Disconnection at 2H: press the “off timer” button once. The LED 2H lights up.
Disconnection at 4H: press the “off timer” button twice. The LED 4H lights up.
Disconnection at 6H: press the “off timer” button 3 times. The LED 2H + 4H light up.
Disconnection at 8H: press the “off timer” button 4 times. The LED 8H lights up.
Disconnection at 10H: press the “off timer” button 5 times. The LED 2H + 8H light up.
Disconnection at 14H: press the “off timer” button 6 times. The LED 2H + 4H + 8H light up.
Cancel the “off timer”:
Press the “off timer” button 7 times or then press the “off timer” button for 2 seconds.
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