S&C Instruction Sheet 761-505
STEP 12.
Mount the rod guide(s) with the arm pointing
upward, as shown in Figure 14.
When an adjustable rod guide is included
(for the tiered-outboard switch mounting con-
figuration only), mount it nearest the switch. A
positioning stud is furnished which holds the rod
guide arm at 45 degrees.
STEP 13.
Install the upper section of vertical operating
pipe between the bell-crank and the upper most
rod guide, with the rod-guide arm point
upward at a 45-degree angle. See Figure 15. (A
positioning stud is furnished that holds the rod
guide at 45 degrees.) Follow the directions in
“Installing Pipe Cou
plings with Piercing Set
Screws” on page 12.
Torque the clamp bolts to final tightness.
Then, tighten the piercing set screws, pierc-
ing the pipe, and continue turning until a firm
resistance is felt.
If more than one rod guide is used, install
vertical operating-pipe sections between the rod
guides in the same manner.
Figure 15. Installing the upper operating pipe section into the
rod guide.
Figure 14. Attaching the rod guide.
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