Product Introduction
product introduction
External I/O Pins
SSA-S2100/SSA-S2101 has 4 input pins and 4 output pins installed(2 relay and 2 TTL outputs) The input pins can receive
signals from the Exit button and the Door Contact sensor, while the two relays can be connected to the Door Lock and the
alarm device. You can specify the output time for these output pins. (Refer to “I/O Wiring” on pages 17 to 18)
Holiday Scheduling
In total, 10 holiday schedule codes are available for SSA-S2100/SSA-S2101 models, and each holiday schedule
code can be confi gured for up to 100 holidays except Sundays. Each holiday code can be linked to the time
schedule code.
You can set all holidays to holiday schedule codes, and holiday schedule code is based on the holiday time zone for
the time scheduling. (Refer to “Holiday Scheduling” on page 52)
Forced Door Open Alarm
You can set the Forced Door Open Alarm to activate when the door is opened by force.
For its application, you must have installed the door contact sensor and properly set the door contact time and output
settings for the alarm device. The Forced Door Open Alarm lasts until the alarm event is terminated. (Refer to “Door
Contact Sensor” on page 40)
A door has two card readers installed: one for the entrance, and the other for the exit, so anyone who enters should
recognize his/her card on the reader at the entrance time before he can exit normally. If a person does not go under
the card recognition process and just follows another person’s way inside the door, the person is not allowed to exit
when he/she recognizes the access card on exit card reader, and the antipassback error (APB error) occurs which
will be saved into the internal memory. And you can confi gure to output a signal through a specifi c pin when such an
error occ
urs. (Refer to “Antipassback Error Output Setup” at pages 46 and 49.)
As long as the device is in Arm mode, the reader ports are all frozen so that no one can get access to the door and
any input from the corresponding external pin will not be processed. In this mode, SSA-S2100/SSA-S2101 transmits a
specifi c signal to the connected security devices so that they responds properly. (Refer to “Arm/Disarm” on page 37)
Door Open Timeout Alarm
The Door Open Timeout Alarm notifi es the administrator of the fact with an alarm if a door stays open after the normal
service time. The Door Open Timeout Alarm lasts until the door is closed.
(Refer to “Door Open Timeout Setup” on page 44)
Duress Alarm
This is used in a situation where you should open the door inevitably by a robber insisting to do so. Entering the two-
digit duress alarm password with pressing the
button and recognizing the registered card (or card number)
opens the door, while this forcibly unarmed situation will be notifi ed to the PC application with an alarm event. (Refer
to “Duress Mode” on page 36)
Two Men Operation Mode
In this mode, SSA-S2100/SSA-S2101 permits a certain person (visitor) to enter or exit only when accompanied by a
special user (administrator). Both the visitor and the administrator should be authorized before they can get access.
(Refer to “Registering the ID card” on page 32)
4 Levels of Individual Door Opening Time Setting
You can use this function to set 4 di
fferent door opening time points. (Refer to “Output Setup for Level IDs Accessing
Reader” at pages 44 and 47.)
Name Display
SSA-S2100/SSA-S2101 can display the name of a person when the person is authorized to get access. (Refer to
“Name Display” on page 25)