Apps and features
Tracking your heart rate
The Galaxy Watch can automatically measure and record your heart rate at regular intervals
when you are not using exercise trackers.
Tap on the heart rate tracker screen, rotate the bezel to select
Auto HR settings
, and then
select the option you want.
: Your heart rate will be automatically measured continuously, regardless of your
: The Galaxy Watch will attempt to measure your heart rate every 10 minutes
when you do not move.
: Your heart rate will not be measured automatically.
Your heart rate will be measured regardless of the Auto HR settings while working
Record the calories you eat in a day and compare with your target or the daily recommended
calories to get help to manage your weight.
If you have just purchased or have reset the Galaxy Watch, create your profile. The
Galaxy Watch will advise your daily recommended calories based on the age, gender,
and the physical conditions you entered in your profile.
Recording the calories
Tap (
Samsung Health
) on the Apps screen.
Rotate the bezel clockwise to open the food screen.