Galaxy Wearable app
Backing up data
To back up data saved in your Galaxy Fit
, launch the
Galaxy Wearable
app on your mobile
device, tap
Account and backup
Back up and restore
Back up data
, select
the item to back up, and then tap
Back up now
. The data will be saved in Samsung Cloud.
Backing up data automatically
To automatically back up data saved in your Galaxy Fit
with Samsung Cloud and access it
from other devices whenever you want, launch the
Galaxy Wearable
app on your mobile
device, tap
Account and backup
Back up and restore
Back up data
, and
then tap the
Auto back up
switch to activate it.
About band
View your Galaxy Fit
’s status and other information. You can also update the Galaxy Fit
Launch the
Galaxy Wearable
app on your mobile device, tap
About band
Update band software
: Update the Galaxy Fit
to the latest software.
Legal information
: View the legal information for the Galaxy Fit
Report diagnostic info
: Set the Galaxy Fit
to automatically send the device’s diagnostic
and usage information to Samsung.
Device name
: Change the Galaxy Fit
’s name.
Device information
: Check the Galaxy Fit
’s information, such as the Bluetooth address
and serial number.
Reset band
: Delete all data on your Galaxy Fit
Restart band
: Restart the Galaxy Fit
: Check how to use the Galaxy Fit
and set the supported features for the
Galaxy Fit