Rogers Mall
This menu (Menu 5.4) allows you to download wallpapers from your
service provider. Follow the online instructions shown on your display
screen. Downloaded graphics are added to your phone’s list of wallpapers.
This menu (Menu 5.5) allows you to view email and instant messages
using a web-based client. Follow the online instructions shown on your
display screen.
Celebrity Voicemail
This menu (Menu 5.6) allows you to download audio clips that feature
celebrity voices from your service provider. Follow the online instructions
shown on your display screen. Downloaded audio clips are added to your
phone’s list of audio clips.
News & Info
Selecting this menu (Menu 5.7) connects the phone to the network and
loads an online homepage that provides news and information links such
as Yahoo! Canada and the Weather Network.
Selecting this menu (Menu 5.8) connects the phone to the network and
loads Rogers online homepage. For more information, see “Home” on
page 45.