2. This process may take some time, as it is downloading any and all update to ensure
maximum protection for your computer.
3. As it is updating, you will see:
4. To initiate a scan, click on the ‘Home’ tab, and click ‘Scan now’
1. Select the ‘Update’ tab, and click ‘Update’
XMA technical helpline: 0844 335 2234
2. Choose a user name and password, and enter the activation key from the enclosed
Activation Codes sheet.
3. Click ‘Create account’. You will now see this screen:
4.3 Security Essentials Anti-Virus
Security Essentials is always running, protecting your computer.
It will automatically update. However, should you wish to access it
features, or force a scan, double click on the Security Essentials icon.
4. Enter your chosen Username and password. (From this screen you will also be able
to open the Net Intelligence user guide). You will now see this screen:
In this area you will be able to add and remove broad categories to be blocked,
or specific websites.