When calling a station and receiving a busy signal or the no answer condition, the caller can leave an indica-
tion that a message is waiting. The message button will flash red at the messaged keyset. A single line phone
connected to a 4SLM or 16MWSLI will have a message light. Five message waiting indications can be left at
any station.
The Message Waiting (MW) key is used in conjunction with a voicemail card.The MW key is programmed with
an extender matching a station or station group number and is used to access the voice mailbox associated
with the extender.
The microphone can be disabled at any keyset. When the microphone is disabled, the keyset cannot use the
speakerphone, although on-hook dialing and group listening are still possible.
MOBEX, short for Mobile Extension, is a feature that allows you to assign a 2, 3, or 4 digit extension number
to a remote device such as a cell phone. Calls to MOBEX phones are treated almost identically to other sta-
tion calls. MOBEX phones can be placed in station groups, have voicemail and forwarding, and be directly
dialed by other stations.This allows users to have an extension on the phone system without needing a phys-
ical keyset. MOBEX can only be used with PRI trunks.
The licensed Executive MOBEX feature also allows MOBEX users to transfer callers to another station, place
the call on remote hold at another station, or send the caller directly to voicemail.You can even set up a direct
access number that will allow MOBEX users to dial in to the system and make phone calls as if they were at a
local keyset in the office. Executive MOBEX requires a valid license key.
OfficeServ systems provide a mobility solution using the SMT-W5100E wireless handset based on the voice
over Wi-Fi technology (802.11). It allows users to stay connected to the office telephone system or data net-
work through WLAN access points either in the office location or at the remote office locations. OfficeServ’s
mobility solution consists of three components: wireless access points – SMT-R2000, wireless handset – SMT-
W5100E, and IP-enabled OfficeServ system.
The OfficeServ 7100 can be programmed to support multiple languages in the display. This is on a per-key-
set basis. When set the keyset will have its display information presented in the programmed language. The
languages are defined in MMC 121. The current languages are as follows: English, Spanish, Italian, German,
Portuguese, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, US Spanish, Finnish and Canadian French.
The OfficeServ 7100 allows its music sources to be used in flexible manner as follows:
Each keyset can have a designated music source for playing as Background Music (BGM) through the keyset
Each Station can have a designated music source for playing to callers placed on Exclusive hold at that sta-
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