Mouse Connection
Screen Menu
Device Manager
Mouse Settings
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Connect a mouse to the TV and right-click on the mouse to bring up the go to screen. You can
then use the screen menu, Smart Hub, and other TV functions using the mouse as you would on a
To use a USB mouse, plug the mouse cord into the TV's USB port. To use a Bluetooth mouse, pair it
using the TV's Bluetooth function.
Select Mouse
Designate which mouse to use. Only one mouse may be used at a time.
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Add Bluetooth Mouse
View a list of Bluetooth Mouse within range. Select the mouse you wish to use.
Mouse Options
Configure button assignments, pointer speed and other basic mouse settings.
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Mouse Use
Left Button
: Selects and activates.
Right Button
: Brings up the go to screen, which includes options such as Power Off, Screen
Menu, Smart Hub, and Tools.
Mouse wheel
: Scroll a webpage up or down.