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Level 2 Repair
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*These options were needed because some old phones needed to have a live BCH to do a
Rx Calibration(AFC and AGC).
**CMU-B66 may can be found at the HW option list. But this option is no longer exist,
because it's now included in the option CMU-B68, only in case of very old CMU200 which
supporting the WCDMA Testing.
***CMU-U65 has 2 kind of revision. The difference is the amount of buffer memory inside.
This influence to the "Polar Modulation Calibration" test, in case of CMU-U65(v02) only
supports up to 128 steps of test, CMU-U65(v04) supports up to 500 Steps. Currently
Samsung UMTS calibration doing that with about 300 steps, so it requires CMU-U65(v0.4)
7-2-2. How to do calibration
1) Download the the latest calibration program from anysvc, and unpack the .zip file in
the same folder.
- GT-E1225F_CAL_V002.exe
2) Check solution and the relay control switch setting of anyway jig.
- Solution switch : 4
NXP Swift, Broadcom
- Relay control switch : all switches must be turn off.
Relay Control Switch
Solution Switch
3) Run the execution file(.exe).
- GT-E1225F_CAL_V002.exe