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6-2 Error Code Numbering Rule
1. ERROR CODE NUMBERING RULE is applied to a microwave
oven and an oven.(CMO, OTR, Grill, Convection, Commercial etc.)
2. All sensors and devices have their own number.
ex) Gas Sensor = 1, Temp. Sensor = 2, ...
3. Of each device, No.1 and No.2 refer to “Open Error” (not sensed)
and “Short Error”, respectively.
4. For unusual cases, errors can be indicated in letters after discussion in advance.
ex) Key Short Error (-SE-)
5. Error code not mentioned below should be discussed in advance and approved by P/L and
numbered, reported to relevant departments.
6. This numbering rule has been applied to models to have been
developed since January, 1, 2005.
But, GE or Customize model are excluded.
E - 1 1
0 - Others
1 - Gas Sensor
2 - Temp. Sensor
3 - Weight Sensor
4 - Easy/PH Sensor
Error Case
1 - Open
2 - Short