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4-2 Failure Codes
4-2-1 Temp Sensor Error
Error Code
Top Sensor Open Error (Sensor-Top)
It occurs due to a defective sensor, misplaced wires, a defective PCB and
when A/D value that MICOM senses rises over 252.
Also, it may occur when the ambient temperature falls under -10˚C
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Top Sensor Short Error (Sensor-Top)
It occurs due to a defective sensor, misplaced wires, a defective PCB and
when A/D value that MICOM senses falls under 10.
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IGBT Sensor Open Error (Assy-Inverter Module)
It occurs due to a defective sensor, misplaced wires, a defective PCB and
when A/D value that MICOM senses rises over 239.
Also, it may occur when the ambient temperature falls under -10˚C.
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IGBT Sensor Short Error (Assy-Inverter Module)
It occurs due to a defective sensor, misplaced wires, a defective PCB and
when A/D value that MICOM senses falls under 10.
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4-2-2 Safety Error
Error Code
Gerneral Function
Touch Button Short
It occurs when the control panel’s sensor field is shorted
more than 10 seconds.
ex: No.1 Place a damp cloth on the control panel.
No.2 Liquid boils over and lands on the control panel.
No.3 More than one key is pressed more than
10 seconds.
No.4 Defective Assy-Touch PCB
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Low Voltage Error
It occurs when the DC 12V is dropped under 9V.
It may occurs due to defects of PCB or wiring.
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Over Temperature Error
It occurs when the temperature of the Top Sensor rises
very highly.
(Estimated temperature of ceramic glass’s surface is
more than 250˚C.)
ex: Place a empty cookware on the burner and operate the
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Pan Detection Error
It occurs when the cookware is unsuitable or too small or
no cookware has been placed on the cooking zone.
If the suitable cookware is placed again, the hob will oper
ate normally.
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DC Motor Locking Error
It occurs when the DC Motor cannot operate due to defects
of PCB, wiring or some disturbance on motor blade.
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