Heat Pump Variables for Space Heating
FSV #4011 for DHW priority is set to “0(DHW)”(Default) as a default. Space heating gets a priority by setting FSV #4011 “1”,
but this is only valid when the outdoor temperature is lower than the specified temperature defined by FSV #4012.
Cold weather compensation is applied when the space heating gets a priority (FSV #4011=1). It is due to position of
heating coil and booster heater in the water tank. Heating coil is at the bottom part of the water tank and the booster
heater is located at the middle part of the tank. So the heating coil is efficient to heat the whole water in the tank. Chances
that hot water flows through the heating coil decrease with the space heating priority. And lower part of water in the
tank might not get enough heat with the booster heater. Cold weather compensation is raising the booster heater target
temperature by temperature of FSV #3034 (default=10°C) higher than the user setting.
Space heating off temperature(FSV #4013, Default “35˚C”, Range 14 ~ 35˚C):
At high outdoor temperature above this value, the space heating will be turned off, to avoid overheating.
Overshoot temperature(FSV #4014, Default “2˚C”, Range 1 ~ 4˚C): N/A yet
Backup Heater Variables for Space Heating
The FSV #4021 should be set to 1(Yes) to use 2-stage electric backup heater in CONTROL KIT as an additional heat source.
To compensate the lowered heat pump heating performance under very cold weather conditions, the FSV #4023 should be
set to “1(On)”(Default).
- The threshold temperature to use backup heater for cold weather compensation:
FSV #4024, Default “0˚C”, Range -15 ~ 35˚C
- The backup heater operation is restricted to save energy in the threshold temperature range.
The FSV #4022 for backup heater priority should be set to “0(both)”(Default) or “1”(backup) to use backup heater. If
not(booster heater priority), the backup heater can be operated in case of no booster heater demand.
The threshold temperature for backup heater operation during defrost mode to prevent cold draft because of chilled water
can be controlled by adjusting FSV #4025. Under FSV #4025 of water outlet temperature, backup heater Will be turned on.
To use both heaters together at the same time, please check the capacity of the power circuit breaker of your
house before use.
External Backup Boiler for Space Heating (Field Option)
The FSV #4031 should be set to “1(Yes)” to use a backup boiler as an additional heat source. (default: “0 (No installation)”)
Priority of backup boiler and heat pump is defined by FSV #4032 (default: “0(OFF)”)
To compensate the lowered heat pump heating performance under very cold weather conditions, the backup boiler
operates instead of heat pump under the threshold temperature (FSV #4033, Default “-15˚C”, Range -20 ~ 5˚C).
Mixing vavle Installation(Field Option)
The FSV #4041 should be set to “1(Yes)” to use mixing valve.
FSV #4042/#4043 is for adjusting temperature difference between Tw3(Tw2) and Tw4.
When using minxing valve, FSV #4046 should be matched with mixing valve running time charateristic.
Inverter Pump Installation(Field Option)
FSV #4052 is for adjusting temperature difference between Tw2 and Tw1.
Tw1(Inlet Water Temp), Tw2(Outlet Water Temp), Tw3(Backup Heater outlet Water Temp), Tw4(Mixing valve
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2015-03-16 오전 11:51:55