Channel Map Configuration
Channel Map tab shows a list of channels in a table where for every channel, channel name, PTC no., Program No.,
Modulation and Program Type are shown. Channel map information is only configured for English language. Though
channel names in any other language in clone file loaded from TV will remain undisturbed after changes from SIRCH
application. Channel category is a list of options for Air, Cable, Satellite and All, at left of the table. All is selected as default,
which shows every channel existing in the map. By selecting Analog or Digital user can filter channel list in the table. User
can add a new channel, edit existing channel in list or delete it by clicking on add, edit and delete buttons respectively. Edit
Button also shows complete information for a channel in the list which can modified by user.
Add a New Channel
To add a new channel user must follow following steps:
Select Air, Cable or Satellite whichever type of channel user wants to add.
Select Analog or Digital.
Then click on the Add button. Application will pop up an Add New Channel
Fill and complete respective fields and drop down boxes for the channel to
add, like Name, Major No., Minor No., Program Type etc. These fields and
their name will shown depend on selected region.
Click on Add Button to add the channel otherwise click Cancel.
(For DTV channels in ATSC models display number has two fields (major-
minor) which can be set to any vaules from 0 to 999.)
Channel Category All is
selected as default
This will filter the
channels in the list
according to their type
Air, Cable or Satellite.
Buttons to Add, Edit
and Delete Channels
Channel List
Analog/Digital Radio
selection will further
filters channels in the list
according to their type.
[Hotel-590_690_790]BN68-04282R-Eng.indd 65
2012-07-26 오후 2:46:57