Expedition Pro XPL300
Guided Tour
1: Equalizer - These controls allow you to shape your sound by boosting or cutting
the amount of bass (at 100 Hz) or treble (at 10 kHz) by up to 15 dB. A center detent
in each knob indicates no boost or cut (that is, flat response). As each knob is turned
clockwise from the 12 o’clock position, the bass or treble is boosted; as it is turned
counterclockwise from the 12 o’clock position, the bass or treble is reduced.
2: Reverb send - These knobs determine how much signal is being sent from the
channel to the onboard DSP effects processor. As you move the knob clockwise from
0 to 10, more signal is sent. To hear the effect, one of the ten presets must be selected
using the DSP Effects control (see #10 on the next page). Be careful not to send too
much signal to the DSP, or a distorted sound will result.
3: Pan/Balance control - In channels 1 and 2, this knob acts as a Pan control, allow-
ing you to place the signal anywhere in the left-right stereo spectrum, while keeping
the overall signal level constant. When the knob is placed at its center (detented)
position, the signal is sent equally to both the left and right outputs. To route a signal
hard left or right, place the pan knob either fully counterclockwise or fully clockwise.
In channel 3/4 (the stereo channel), this knob acts as a Balance control, allowing you
to alter the relative levels of the two input signals. When the knob is placed at its cen-
ter detented position, both signals are at equal strength. When moved left of center,
you’ll hear more of the left input signal; when moved right of center, you’ll hear more
right input signal.
4: Channel volume control - This knob determines the level of the channel In
stereo channel 3/4, this knob simultaneously controls the level of both inputs (the
levels of the two can be adjusted with the Balance knob, as described in #3
above). In practice, you’ll use the channel volume controls to continuously adjust the
levels of the various signals being blended together by the XPL300 mixer.