EB 5573 EN
Functions of the DHW circuit
7.9 Forced charging of DHW storage tank
To provide the full network performance for room heating when the time-of-use of the heat-
ing circuits begins, any storage tanks are charged one hour before the time-of-use of the
heating circuits starts. For the individual controller, this means that storage tank charging is
activated when the water temperature in the storage tank falls below the adjusted deactiva-
tion value of T = 'DHW temperature' + 'Hysteresis'.
The forced charging of the storage tank does not take place when the DHW circuit is not
used at the beginning of the time-of-use set for the heating circuit(s).
This function is not available when a storage tank thermostat is used.
Thermal disinfection of DHW storage tank
In all systems with DHW heating, a thermal disinfection is performed on the selected 'Day of
the week' or daily.
In systems with DHW storage tank, it is heated up, taking into account the 'Charging
temperature boost' parameter (or 'Set point boost', depending on the system) to the ad-
justed 'Disinfection temperature'. The process starts the adjusted 'Start time' and ends at
the 'Stop time' at the latest.
In systems with DHW heating in instantaneous heating system, the function remains ac-
tive taking into account the 'Set point boost' parameter until the circulation pipe, mea-
sured at storage tank sensor SF1, has reached the adjusted 'Disinfection temperature',
provided disinfection has not been terminated prematurely after reaching the 'Stop time'.
The 'Disinfection temperature sustaining time' determines how long the disinfection tempera-
ture must be maintained within the adjusted time period to rate the process successful. If the
'Disinfection temperature sustaining time' is set to a value other than 0, no intermediate heat-
ing operation takes place during thermal disinfection.
When 'Start time' and 'Stop time' are set to the time, disinfection is controlled depending on
the switching state of the binary input (terminals 03/12) to be performed daily or on the
programmed day of the week: disinfection starts optionally with a break contact (BI = 0) or a
make contact (BI = 1). The process stops at the latest when the switching state of the binary
input next changes.