installation Sequence
The controller uses internal MOSFET based
reverse current blocking for night-time
battery discharge prevention. This allows
much lower losses as compared to Diode
based blocking. Hence, it is not necessary
to provide external Blocking Diode.
Please install the battery, solar panel and
the loads in the following sequence:
1. Connect the black wire marked “bat
Neg” (4) to the Negative terminal of
the battery
2. Connect the Negative terminal of the
battery to earth Ground for protection
against lightning
3. The Blue wire (7) is connected as
follows depending upon the type of
battery used:
• For wet cell / flooded battery:
Connect this wire to the black
wire marked “Bat Neg” (4). This
will set the Absorption voltage to
14.8 VDC +/- 0.2 VDC
• For sealed battery (AGM): This
wire is NOT connected. Insulate
this wire with insulation tape .
This will se the Absorption
Voltage to 14.5 VDC ± 0.2 VDC
4. Connect the Red wire marked “Bat +”
(3) the Positive terminal of the battery
through a 32 V, 10 A fuse (8). The fuse
should be installed as close as possible
to the battery Positive terminal. The
fuse is required to prevent burning /
melting of the battery wires if there is
a short circuit anywhere in the portion
of wire between the battery and the
controller. Please note that current
limiting type of fuse e.g. Class T fuse
or equivalent is used and is installed as
close to the battery Positive terminal as
5. Connect the black wire marked
“Load -” (6) to the Negative terminal of
the DC load (DC Lamp) and the White
wire marked “Load +” (5) to the Positive
terminal of the DC load (DC lamp).
This connection is used for Night Light
Function – The light will automatically
turn on at night (Solar Panel voltage
≤ 3 V for at least 10 min) and turn off
during day time (solar Panel voltage ≥ 4
V for at least 10 min).The load should be
on before the solar panel is connected
to subsequently check if the controller
has been connected correctly and is
working (See Step 7)
6. Connect the Negative wire of the Solar
panel to the Black wire marked “PV -”
(2) and the Positive wire of the Solar
Panel to the Yellow wire marked “PV +”
7. If the solar panel is connected during
the day time, its output voltage will be
high and the DC Load (DC lamp) will be
switched off because the Night Light
function is designed to switch off the
load if the voltage of Solar Panel is
higher than 4V for 10 min. (the DC load
was kept switched on in Step 5)
8. If night light function is not desired,
ignore Step 5 and connect DC load
directly to the battery
SeCtIOn 3 |
Installation & Operation