The power source must provide between 10.5 and 15.5 volts DC and must be able to supply
the necessary current to operate the load. The power source may be a battery or a
well-regulated DC power supply. To obtain a rough estimate of the current (in amperes) the
power source must deliver, simply divide the power consumption of the load (in watts AC) by
Example: lf a load is rated at 100 watts AC, the power source must be able to deliver: 100 / 10=10A
The inverter will provide you 115 VAC when powered by a 12 VDC source such as is found in a
vehicle or multiple battery configurations as shown in FIGURE 2. This manual does not describe
all of the possible types of battery configurations, battery charging configurations and battery
isolation configurations.
To properly operate the inverter the DC power source must provide between 11.0 and 15.0 VDC
and nominally at 100 Amps. This DC power source must be a well-regulated DC power supply as
typically found in vehicular and deep-cycle marine batteries. The DC power source may also be
two 12 volt batteries connected in parallel. On larger applications the power source may be
several batteries connected in parallel as shown on FIGURE 2.