Operator's manual
Self-loading gritter
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Fig. 2.
Placement of warning and information decals on
Sahara self-loading gritter
Risks and prohibitions
Despite the fact, that SaMASZ company – the manufacturer of self-loading
gritter takes responsibility for the gritter design and manufacturing, in order
to eliminate risk, certain elements of residual risk when operating the gritter
are unavoidable.
Present residual risk results mainly from erroneous actions of the gritter’s
operator and not respecting the manual’s principles.
When describing residual risk, the gritter shall be considered a machine,
which until the moment of production launching had been designed and
manufactured in accordance with top technology level actual as per the
gritter manufacture date.
Danger of wound
Is present when operating parts with sharp edges are replaced. For any repair and maintenance
works always wear safety gloves.
Bear in mind the following prohibitions when operating Sahara self-loading
It is prohibited to operate the gritter being under influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines
impairing motor skills.
It is prohibited to operate the gritter by unauthorized and unskilled personnel.
It is prohibited to use the gritter for purposes other than mentioned herein.