Is one way better than the other? Not really. As you’ll see in the section on
correcting entry errors, there are differences in the way you would change this sale
from five brochures to four. But the method you use to register the item is your
Big Island Brochure, Ornament Stand, and Historic Card/Photo (our old, one-‐of-‐a-‐
kind postcards and photographs) all work the same way – you touch the button to
register one of those non-‐barcoded items. Touching one of the other buttons on the
Home screen will take you to a submenu screen where you’ll make additional
Some of the candy we sell is barcoded: Pez dispensers and Pez refills. These are
scanned like any other item with a bar code. But we won’t use the barcodes on the
piece candy we sell, and these will be found in the Candy submenu.
and the Home screen area will change to the Candy submenu. You
have several different types of candy – Caramels, Neco, Trolley Poles, Tootsie Pops,
Laffy Taffy, and seasonal Halloween candies – to choose from. In the submenu, touch
the appropriate button once for each piece of candy being sold (or touch a number
on the Key Pad first to enter a quantity).