The grain mill has been set at a too fine setting for the type of grain chosen. (Danger of the
millstones becoming smeared)
Smeared Mill-Stones:
If your grain was too moist for the desired setting, the mill-stones will become smeared. In this case a
hard, smooth layer will develop on the outer edges of the stones.
Open the mill and using a kitchen knife scrape this layer off both milling surfaces, clean the groves
and the flour spout.
Re-fit the funnel, choose a coarser setting and mill a little corn, rice or dry grain kernels. This will fully
clean the mill-stones again.
In order to get extremely fine flour even when using grain which is not dried to an optimum, you can
place the required amount of grain kernels to dry in your oven for approx. 30 minutes at 50 to 60° C
Please note that it is necessary to cool the grain to the surrounding temperature before use!
Drying the Grain
Damp grain will cut like bread, whereas as dry grain will chip off.
Cleaning the Milling Chamber – Removal of the Funnel
From the technical point of view in principle the mill needs no maintenance or special care
to work properly.
Normal functioning of the mill means that small amounts of flour will be left in the milling
If you turn the hand wheel as far as the backstop in the direction of the coarse setting when
you have finished milling no considerable residue flour will remain in the milling chamber.
The mill is then ready to change from one type of grain to another without having to be
cleaned first.
When using the mill regularly, we recommend to clean it every three months.
If you do not intend to use your mill over a period of some weeks, we recommend that for
hygienic reasons you have to clean it thoroughly, in order to avoid mildew.
To do this, mill a handful of rice or grain at a “coarse setting” afterwards open the mill and
using a vacuum cleaner remove all residue flour from the milling chamber. Leave the mill
open and if at hand place a few bay leaves inside.
Should you however wish to clean the inside of the mill (recommended if the mill has not
been used for a longer period of time) then please proceed as follows:
With the funnel removed there is danger of injury! Never open the milling chamber without first
having disconnected the mill’s power cable from the electrical power outlet.