Document Reference: ENG-UMAN-000730
Revision: 6.00
Page 13 of 40
Select an insertion site that provides the widest and easiest possible access to
the epidural space to reduce the risk of patient injury due to spinal cord
It is recommended that the patient remain communicative
during needle and lead placement to help mitigate any risk of neural injury.
Using an Epidural Needle from the surgical tools, insert the needle with the bevel up
and a paramedian approach (refer to Figure 5.2) no greater than 45° angle to the
skin into the epidural space (refer to Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.2: Inserting the needle with a paramedian approach.
Figure 5.3: Insert the needle at no greater than 45°.
Confirm that you have entered the epidural space using a loss of resistance check.