P a g e
Product Manual
Sea Air and land Communications Ltd, 10 Vanadium Place, Addington, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand
April 2017
Resend with Watchdog:
When the watchdog is enabled, the input message will be sent
periodically as configured if in the enabled state.
Initial Input State:
Input messages are sent when transitioning to the enabled state.
If on start-up “Current” has been selected the current input state is read, so that
the input message will not be sent on start-up.
If “High” is selected, the input on startup is assumed to be in the high state, so
when found to be low (if this is the case) the transition will result in a message
being sent (if enabled).
If “Low”, the opposite will occur, the input is assumed to be low on startup, the
transition to high resulting in message being transmitted (if enabled, and the
input is in the high state).
PSD General configuration
Selecting Options->General will display the general configuration screen as shown overleaf. The
following items may be set here.
Unit Id:
The Identifying string (up to 10 characters) that may be prepended to each
outgoing message. Note that this ID should be numeric if numeric pagers are
being used.
Input Debounce:
The time delay between the input being triggered and the message being
Resend Delay:
When an input has been configured with a transmission count greater than 1,
then the resend delay is the delay in seconds before sending the message
PSD Configuration files:
The current 12-32 configuration can be saved using File-Save. Previously saved configuration
files can be loaded and edited with, or without a 12-32 connected.