Water starvation protection
In systems where it is absolutely not
possible to increase the usable cold water
storage capacity to meet the increased
demand of a pumped system; a water
starvation protection unit (WSP) may be
considered (See fig 9).
The WSP is a Salamander level switch which
must be positioned 102mm higher than the
highest outlet from the cold water storage
cistern. When the water level drops too far
the WSP will switch off the pump until the
cold water storage level is recovered.
Combi boilers and water heaters
As these appliances are invariably supplied directly from the cold mains – Please see the
Salamander MainsBooster Range, these pump are not suitable to pump from a Combination
Boiler or Unvented Cylinder.
Horizontal cylinders
As horizontal (Torpedo) cylinders are problematic for boosted systems consult PumpWise
on 0191 516 2002 for guidance and correct use of an approved top entry flange.
S flange
Complete with compression pump outlet and the open vent connections. Also supplied with
an adaptor to connect to 1” male and female top entry cylinders. (See fig 10).
Water starvation
protection unit
To vent
S flange
To pump
Figure 9: Water starvation protection unit
Figure 10: S flange
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