Application notes
Please follow these pre-installation instructions carefully. Failure to install your HomeBoost™/
CombiBoost in accordance with these instructions will invalidate your warranty.
1. Location of HomeBoost™/CombiBoost
The best possible location of the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost is on the cold water mains supply to
the house, after the mains stop tap or on the combi boiler inlet, depending on the installation.
1.1 Cooling and ventilation
The HomeBoost™/CombiBoost should be placed in a position where there is adequate air flow to
cool the motor and separated from any other appliances that generate heat.
1.2 Frost protection
HomeBoost™/CombiBoost must be protected from frost damage.
2. Cold supply to the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost
HomeBoost™/CombiBoost must be fitted directly to the cold water mains house supply, or the
mains water inlet to the combi boiler as indicated in the pre-installation checklist. Never fit to
communal risers (e.g. block of flats), restrictive or collapsed supply pipework (eg lead main).
3. General plumbing
Please note that the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost is designed to boost incoming water flow under
low pressure conditions. It cannot overcome restricted incoming pipework and replacement
water pipes should be installed in this scenario.
Installation must comply with the relevant requirements or local byelaws.
It is recommended that HomeBoost™/CombiBoost is installed vertically, and every effort should
be made to accommodate this. However, HomeBoost™/CombiBoost will function correctly if
installed horizontally. It must be adequately vented, protected from frost, and with access
provided for servicing.
Jointing compounds, Boss White, hemp and steel wool MUST NOT BE USED. SOLDER FLUXES
Supplied inlet strainer must be fitted to the inlet supply of the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost. All
outlets which are located between the mains stop tap and the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost must be
protected by non-return valves. This is to prevent backflow of water and air from these outlets to
the HomeBoost™/CombiBoost, which will cause damage to the pump.
Suitable for maximum inlet pressure of 1MPa (10 bar).
In line with good plumbing practice and water regulations, ensure that a non-return valve has
been fitted directly after the mains stop tap to the house. Earth continuity must be maintained.
Pre-installation checklist
HomeBoost™ and CombiBoost are suitable for two separate types of water boosting applications:
1. Boosting the incoming mains water supply to a whole house
2. Boosting the inlet mains water supply solely to a combination (combi) boiler.
Points applicable to either installation type:
• HomeBoost™/CombiBoost must be fitted
to rigid fixed pipework preferably with
vertical inlet and outlet
• Pipework above and below the pump must
be securely fixed to the wall
• Only one HomeBoost™/CombiBoost may
be fitted per household supply
• Ensure that installation complies with IET
Wiring Regulations
• Allow 100mm on all sides for ventilation
• Ensure pump is protected from frost
• Complete all hot work fitting prior to
HomeBoost™/CombiBoost installation
• We recommend that the pump is activated
for at least five minutes every four weeks
• If the supply is known to be lime/calcium
(hard) water, fit extra filtration before the
pump. Always consult filter manufacturer’s
literature for correct installation.
• Never fit to hot water piping
• Never fit the pump to communal risers
• Never pump directly from or to another
• Never fit to flexible pipework (e.g. tap
• HomeBoost™/CombiBoost cannot be
used on outside coldwater storage tanks,
bore holes or wells
• Never use jointing compounds,
Boss White, hemp or steel wool
• Solder fluxes must not come into
contact with the pump
• Never fit to restrictive or collapsed
supply (eg lead main)
• Never fit HomeBoost™ /CombiBoost
upside down
Points applicable to whole house
• Install vertically or horizontally,
mounted on cold water mains inlet to
the house
• Locate the pump next to the mains
stop tap
• Pump should be fitted before ANY other
water outlets taken after the mains stop tap.
If any outlets are between the stop tap and
your HomeBoost™/CombiBoost, they must
be fitted with a non-return valve
Points applicable to combi-boiler
• Install vertically or horizontally, mounted
on cold water mains inlet to the combi
• Locate the pump next to the combi-boiler
OR on it’s cold water mains inlet
• Pump must exclusively feed the combi-