PDS23 Plus Series
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It is recommended that use a wire tube to protect the electric wire from the
destruction of wildlife and natural weathering, and bury the wire tube into the
ground to strengthen protection. If you do not use a wire tube, you can use a higher
quality outdoor cable.
3.2.6Low water level probe wiring (optional)
In order to avoid dry pumping lead to pump damage, a wells probe can be
connected to the terminals of the PDS23Plus solar pump controller, so as to detect
the water level in wells; and the wire maximum length can not more than 50m. If
there is no water level probe for the detection of the water level, please keep the
two terminals of the controller short. The controller can also detect water through
the built-in software water detection fun
ction;look upFD function group in section
3.2.7 Water tank level float wiring (optional)
Use a floating ball switch to prevent reservoir overflow is recommended. When the
reservoir is full, the pump will stop; when the water level is lower than the low level,
the pump will be restarted. It can prevent the overflow, limit the unnecessary pump
wear. The PDS23
controller allows the use of small signal line to connect to
remote float switch, even if the position of the reservoir is far away.
Figure 7FloatingBallDiagram
pump off
pump on
sealed cable