Changing IP Address Range Bug Work Around
This Work around was supplied by
It seems that the WEB UI for the DHCP settings is buggy. However, if you hack around this you can get
the F@st 5355 router to accept DHCP settings in the 192.168 range. If you are using chrome (Modify as
appropriate for the developer tools on other browsers):
* Enter the IP address for the router (e.g. and DHCP start and end addresses (e.g. and
* The UI will show red text and complain the the IP addresse are not valid (even though they are).
* Open the Chrome Dev Tools (Chrome menu - More tools - developer tools)
* Click on the console TAB
* Enter the following text and then press enter:
pForm') .scope().dhcpForm.$valid=true
* Click on the 'Apply' button, and then ok on the Warning that pops up.
* Your router will now apply the new Ip addresses.
* Wait a minute or so, and then reconnect your Wi-Fi to the F@st 5355 router
* You will now need to reconnect to the admin interface on the new address you have configured for the
router (e.g.
.. from my example above).