Click on Apply.
If you had switched Use Random Password Off it toggles back on but don’t worry your password will be
Take note of the URL including the port number. This is the URL used to access the Modem remotely.
1 Can only access Gateways GUI, can not access media connected to USB ports.
2. Remote access cannot be checked from devices connect to the LAN due to gateway not
supporting NAT Loop Back.
Wi-Fi MAC Filtering
Log into gateway and click on advanced mode.
Click on the Wi-Fi network that requires filtering.
Click on MAC Filter.
By default MAC Filtering Mode is set to Allow All. Any Wi-Fi device will be able to connect.
Deny Mode will allow device to connect unless it is in the Wi-Fi Control list
Allow Mode will block all devices apart from those in the Wi-Fi Control list.
NB Using filter will disable WPS