What does it mean if my "Home" key is flashing?
Press the "Home" key and check to see if you have received any new text
messages, reminders or other messages and read them.
A voicemail number indicates that there is a new voice message in your mailbox. Call
your voicemail and follow the instructions given.
How do I free up memory to receive new messages?
Try to be careful when managing the memory. If you have too many saved
messages, this will quickly fill up the available memory and you will not be able to
receive any further messages.
To delete messages, press the Log key, then go to to the message folder you want.
In this folder, delete the messages you no longer need.
How can I make my mobile phone more energy-efficient?
The best ways to keep your mobile phone energy-efficient are as follows: Be careful
when storing your mobile phone between calls, to ensure that the keys are not
pressed inadvertently, since every time a key is pressed, the screen lights up, using
unnecessary energy. Also avoid placing your fingers over the top of the mobile
phone, which is where the aerial is incorporated.
Power saving mode has to be activated (Settings menu, Power saving: On)/
The mobile phone has been dropped or has otherwise suffered a shock.
Remove the battery and the SIM card and then insert them again. Try and switch the
mobile phone back on again. If this does not work, contact customer service for