Press the key with the letter you want on it (regardless of the position of the letter on
the key) and write the word by pressing each key for the letter you want just once,
until the word is complete (without worrying about what is on the display). The word is
shown directly under the entry field.
If the complete word is written correctly, select it with the left menu key to confirm it
(this adds a space) and continue with the next word.
It is possible that several words can be found in the dictionary for the key sequence
you entered.
If the word shown is not the one you intended, use the Up/Down key to scroll down
the list of words shown. When you reach the word you want, select it with the left
menu key to confirm it. A space will then be added. You can then continue with the
next word. If the word you want is not shown, keep adding letters to it until the
message "Add to dictionary" is displayed. Select the dictionary with the left menu key
and edit the word if required, then press "Save" to save it in the dictionary.
How to change to upper case:
In Multi-Tap mode, new words are first shown in lower case, except after the
punctuation marks . ! and ?. Use the "*" key to change to upper case mode.
Thereafter, the next letter will be capitalised.