Preservation of the environment is an essential concern of Sagem Communication. The desire
of Sagem Communication is to operate systems observing the environment and consequently
it has decided to integrate environmental performances in the life cycle of its products, from
manufacturing to commissioning, use and elimination.
The presence of the logo (green dot) means that a contribution is paid to an
approved national organisation to improve packaging recovery and recycling
To facilitate recycling, please respect the sorting rules set up locally for this
kind of waste.
If your product contains batteries, they must be disposed of at appropriate
collection points.
The product
The crossed-out waste bin stuck on the product or its accessories means that
the product belongs to the family of electrical and electronic equipments.
In this respect, the European regulations ask you to dispose of it selectively:
• At sales points in the event of the purchase of similar equipment.
• At the collection points made available to you locally (drop-off centre,
selective collection, etc.).
In this way you can participate in the re-use and upgrading of Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Waste, which can have an effect on the environment and human health.
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