Braided Breads
1. Prepare an egg wash using 1 egg white or 1 whole egg plus
1 tablespoon of water.
2. At the start of the ‘rise 3’ phase, press and hold the START | PAUSE
button to pause the cycle.
3. Lift open the lid. Remove the bread pan from the baking chamber
and close the lid.
4. Remove the dough and paddle from the bread pan.
5. Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces. Stretch and roll each piece
into a 25cm rope. Place the ropes on a flat surface side by side. Begin
braiding from the centre of the ropes rather than the ends for a more
even shape. When complete, rotate the half braided bread and repeat
the procedure from the middle to the other end. Tuck the ends under
and place into the bread pan. Carefully brush the top of the loaf with
the egg wash and sprinkle with seeds if desired.
6. Return the dough to the bread pan.
7. Return the bread pan to the baking chamber.
8. Close the lid. Press the START | PAUSE button to resume the cycle.
Pull-Apart Rolls
1. Prepare an egg wash using 1 egg white or 1 whole egg plus
1 tablespoon of water.
2. At the start of the ‘rise 3’ phase, press and hold the START | PAUSE
button to pause the cycle.
3. Lift open the lid. Remove the bread pan from the baking chamber
and close the lid.
4. Remove the dough and paddle from the bread pan.
5. Divide the dough into even pieces (12, 18, or 24) and roll each piece
into a round ball. Create a single layer of dough balls in the bread
pan. Carefully brush the layer with the egg wash and sprinkle with
spices. Continue layering and spicing until all the dough balls
are used.
6. Return the dough to the bread pan.
7. Return the bread pan to the baking chamber.
8. Close the lid. Press the START | PAUSE button to resume the cycle.
Rolled Breads
1. Prepare an egg wash using 1 egg white or 1 whole egg plus
1 tablespoon of water.
2. At the end of the ‘rise 2’ phase, press and hold the START | PAUSE
button to pause the cycle.
3. Lift open the lid. Remove the bread pan from the baking chamber
and close the lid.
4. Remove the dough and paddle from the bread pan.
5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle shape,
approximately 20cm x 30cm. Spread tomato paste over the dough
and top with Italian mixed herbs, chopped salami, chopped black
olives and grated cheese. Roll up lengthwise, as for a Swiss roll.
Tuck the ends under and place into the bread pan.
6. Return the bread pan to the baking chamber.
7. Close the lid. Press the START | PAUSE button to resume the cycle.
The ‘rise 3’ phase will begin, followed by the ‘bake’ phase.
8. At 15 minutes into the ‘bake’ phase, press and hold the
START | PAUSE button to pause the cycle.
9. Follow the ‘Decorative Crusts’ procedure.