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– IMP000074 e14r1
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Page 80
Example 2
: Sync Word length = 24 bits and Words of 8 bits
Frame description:
Sync = FAF320
Data length = 765 words
Total length = 3 + 765 = 768 words
Frame Sync Configuration:
The Sync length always starts from the
LSB. Right to Left for bit selection.
Hence 24 bits length will only keep FAF320
from the field.
Example 3
: Sync Word length = 30 bits and Words of 10 bits
Frame description:
Sync = FAF33400
Data length = 957 words of 10 bits
Total length = 3 + 957 = 960 words
Frame Sync Configuration:
In this definition, we suppose that the 2 LSB
bits of the Sync Word have to be ignored.
Due to our definition of length, we cannot
truncate directly the word, hence, it is
necessary to extend the length to 32bits and to
mask the 2 LSB bits.