Enduro Pro : SB-EGL200
Page 37 Phone: 877-345-2336 Fax: 888-236-2524
Combined with, the Enduro is a compact, powerful GPS package. Here
are a few more things the Enduro can do for you.
NAME YOUR ENDURO - The Enduro arrives with an ID number, but this can be
changed. You can name your Enduro almost anything you want to help you keep track
of it - especially helpful if you have a fleet of vehicles with Enduros. Give each one a
unique name, such as “Delivery07” or “Plow-Fred.” To give your Enduro a name, please
contact us.
GROUPS - If you need to see multiple units on the screen at the same time, we can
Group your Enduros for you. Please contact us for this service.
PASSWORDS - We’ve given you a password to start you out, but if you’d like to change
it, please contact us and we’ll change it to something you can remember or fits your
security requirements.
JUST ASK! - If your needs are not covered in this manual, please ask us, or suggest a
feature that would be helpful to you.