3. Unlocking of the PBZ USB PKI device
The devices eToken NG Flash or eToken 7300 PBZ USB PKI will be locked after entering an
incorrect PIN 5 times in a row. For a device to continue functioning normally, it has to be
unlocked by using an Unlock code.
The procedure to be followed is described below:
1. Plug the PBZ USB PKI device in a free USB port on your computer.
2. Start SafeNet Authentication Client (there are two ways of doing it):
a. Right-click on the icon SafeNet Authentication Client at bottom right of the
screen, next to the system clock, and choose the option Tools (Figure 9) or
b. Start SafeNet Authentication Client Tools (Start -> All applications -> SafeNet -
> SafeNet Authentication Client Tools).
3. Click on the icon Advanced view (marked on Figure 10).
4. In the window Advanced view, choose PBZ USB PKI device on your left, and then
choose the option Set Token Password (marked on Figure 11).
Figure 9 – starting SafeNet Authentication Client Tools
Figure 10 - selecting Advanced view