SL1 v.2.1.0 EN
Other codes
Code Data Comments
Auto answer
- - #
No of signals before SafeLine answers incoming call.
Can be set from 00-16. (Default = 02)
00=no answer.
Unit number
- #
Configure Unit number 1-9 (Default = 0)
Detect dial tone
- #
0 = Off
1 = On (Default)
Set to off if SafeLine has problem to detect the dial
Receipt to alarm receiver
- #
Select which message(s) to send to the alarm receiver
at an alarm call.
0 = None (Default)
1 = Start of alarm
2 = Start+end of alarm
Break on new alarm
- #
Disconnects a call longer than 60 seconds at new
activation of the alarm button and calls the next emer-
gency call number.
0 = OFF
1 = ON (Default)
Alarm button delay time
- - #
Delay time from pressing the alarm button until
activating the alarm.
00-25 seconds. (Default = 05)<
Alarm button type
- #
0 = Normally-open contact, NO (Default)
1 = Normally-closed contact, NC
Change password
- - - - # Change password (default=0000)
Simulate an alarm event
- #
Triggers an alarm event after configuration is termi-
1 = Emergency call
2 = Test alarm
3 = Battery failure
4 = Microphone/Loudspeaker failure
5 = Emergency call
6 = Maintenance
7 = Main unit power failure
Reset to default settings
- #
1 = Factory default
2 = Default P100(The following codes will be set):
*21*0#, *22*0#, * 27*03#, *80*1#, *84*1#, *88*1#
3 = Default CPC(The following codes will be set):
*21*3#, *22*3#, *27*03#, *80*1#, *84*1#, *88*1#
4 = Default VOICE(The following codes will be set):
*21*1#, *22*1#, * 27*03#, *80*1#, *84*1#, *88*1#