FD1600 v.2.03 EN
Learning is started with one of the following:
• SafeLine CONNECT app
• PC
• Menu buttons on the FD1600
1. Start the learning trip at the lowest level. Drive to the next level.
2. Make a stop at all levels. The position is saved automatically at each stop.
3. When the highest level is reached and the lift is changing direction,
the learning trip is finished.
4. The IPS returns to normal functions.
Learning mode
with IPS
Menu content change depending on selected values in “Unit”
main menu.
Content change 1:
Main menu “Floor Text” only visible if “Main Mode” is not set to
Content change 2:
Main menu “Learn” only visible if encoder or external position is
selected as “Main Mode”
(Unit / Main mode / Encoder)
Content change 3:
Main menu “Inputs” are only visible if all inputs are not predefined
(e.g. if floor count is set to 8 and main mode is decimal, all inputs
are predefined as individual floor generators).
Dynamic menus
Expected directory structure:
X:\CFG = configuration directory
X:\WAV = wave files directory
X:\FIRMWARE = directory for firmware update
CFG directory
This directory holds a copy of the configuration, and also a copy of
the sound index file.
WAV directory
This directory holds all sound files, including user sound files.
FIRMWARE directory
This directory is not in use yet.
Memory card
The SLPro FD1600 need to
be used in order to access all
of the installation options.
Download SLPro from: