Remove the protective layer on the upper
Adhesive Pads, then tighten the Tensioning
Wheels of the Top Spindles to push the Wall
Cups firmly onto the wall.
Cut the cable tie, and keeping the Gate locked
(with green visible in the window of handle),
turn the Tensioning Wheels until the red stripe
on the top of the handle just disappears.
Check the Gate opens and closes correctly; the
indicator shows red when open, green when
locked. If it does not operate correctly, check
that the Gate is vertical and/or adjust the
Tensioning Wheels.
Use the Spanner (I) to tighten the Nuts on
alternate sides of the Gate until you can no lon-
ger see red on the Accu-Fit™ Spindle Housing.
Both Nuts should be tightened equally, so that
the Gate is centred and an equal amount of the
Spindle remains exposed on each side.
Your Gate will not provide a safe
barrier any time the red shows on the AccuFit
Spindle Housing.