DHD-3 Digital Hand Dynamometer – Grip Strength Testing Protocol
Step 4: Documenting Results
Generally, use handle position #2 (see DHD-3 Components) and
alternately test each hand three times. Test the normal hand, followed by
the injured hand. The mean of three trials is recorded in either pounds or
kilograms (lbs. or kg).
To determine maximal effort, test each hand three times in all fi ve handle
positions. Test the normal hand followed by the injured hand and record
the average for each hand. Repeating the tests after short rest periods
helps determine if a patient is exerting maximal effort.
If the patient has performed the tests with maximal effort, there should
be less than 10% variation in the results from the various grip positions.
Greater than 10% variation between the tests indicates the patient has not
exerted maximal effort.
For more information regarding testing procedures and results, refer to
the following literature:
Fess EE. “Grip Strength”,
Clinical Assessment Recommendations
, 2nd
Edition. Chicago, American Society of Hand Therapists, 1992.
Kellor M, Frost J, Silberberg N, et al. “Hand Strength and Dexterity”,
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
1971; 25:77-83.
Mathiowetz V, Federman S, Wiemer D. “Grip and Pinch Strength: Norms
for 6 to 19 Year Olds”,
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy
1986; 40:705-11.
Mathiowetz V, Kashman N, Volland G, Weber K, Dowe M, Rogers S.
“Grip and Pinch Strength: Normative Data for Adults”,
Archives of
Physical Medicine Rehabilitation
Vol. 66, February 1985.