• If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, and feel “slow and drowsy” then try a 30 minute
session of BLUElight when you wake up - then you will feel refreshed and ready to start your day.
Shift Work
• If you have trouble staying awake particularly at the start of a night shift routine then use
BLUElight for 30 minutes before you start work and repeat for another 15 minutes during the night
if you start to feel drowsy.
This should help your body clock adjust to this new routine. If possible avoid bright light when
coming off a night shift and preferably wear sun glasses. You may find this helps you go to sleep
when you return home.
• After coming off a night shift schedule, the temptation is to fall asleep because your body clock
is used to this routine. Use BLUElight to keep you awake until evening – and again this will help
re-set your body clock so you sleep at night rather than during the day.
Jet Lag
• Long distance air travel East or West across different time zones can play havoc with your body
clock. As a general tip try planning your arrival time at your destination in the morning rather
than the evening. Sleep on the plane if you are able. Then try to keep awake for as long as
possible after you reach your destination, preferably in natural daylight – and using your BLUElight
can be a great help in keeping you awake until it gets dark.
• Bad sufferers of jet-lag can use SAD Solutions BLUElight to try to adjust their body clock to the
new time at their destination before they leave. Here are some tips.
Travelling West
Before you depart UK use SAD Solutions BLUElight for at least 30 minutes in the evening for 2 or
3 days, preferably one or two hours later each evening. This will help your body clock adjust to
your destination time.
Travelling East
Before you depart UK use SAD Solutions BLUElight for at least 30 minutes first thing in the morning
for 2 or 3 days, preferably one or two hours earlier each morning. This will help your body clock
adjust to your destination time zone.
emc information
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The “SAD Solutions Bluelight” is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the “SAD Solutions Bluelight” should ensure that it is used in such
an environment.
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