When using DMX, all the units receive all the channels. You need to tell each unit which channel to
respond to (its ‘base channel’). You do this by setting dip switches 1-9 to the binary code of the
channel you want. See the back page of this manual if you need help with this, or there is a sticker
on the unit showing the most common settings.
Note: if you want two units to behave exactly the same, you can set the dip switches for both units
to the same channel.
You can change the dipswitches while the units are running, and the new settings will take effect
immediately. You don’t need to turn the unit off and on.
Connect your controller to the DMX in socket on the first unit, using a 3-pin XLR cable. If you are
using a controller with a 5-pin DMX output, you will need to use a 5 to 3 pin adaptor with pins 2 and
3 swapped (pin 2 is ‘hot’). Connect the next unit, if you have one, to the DMX output plug.
This unit buffers the DMX signal as it passes through the unit, which means that you can connect as
many units together as you want. You don’t need to connect a line terminator in the last unit.
If you are using the Abstract CE controller, you should set up the controller to match the heads you
have connected. Refer to the controller manual for help on this.
Futurescan 1CE:
The CE controller does not have a setting for the Futurescan 1CE, but you can use the
Futurescan 2CE setting. There is an extra ‘multicolour’ position on the Futurescan 1CE and gobos are not
individually selectable, but otherwise the units operate in the same way.
DuoColour CE:
You can control a DuoColour by configuring it as two separate ColourChanger CE heads on
the CE controller; one at the “base” channel and the other at the “base” c2. (e.g. if you have set the
unit to channel 1, one head will work on channels 1 & 2 and the other on 3 & 4.)
Operating the unit
When you turn the unit on, it will go through an initialisation routine where it moves all the motors
to their zero positions. You may hear some bumping noises as the unit checks the limits of
movement on the motors.
The initialisation routine takes about 20 seconds, after which the unit will begin to respond to DMX
input, or to sound if no DMX is connected.
Note: Units with halogen lamps will not turn the lamp on until after initialising, and then only if the
control channels are not all at zero.
Operation in stand alone mode
If the unit is in stand alone mode (no DMX connected), it will automatically produce a light show in
response to the music, and will control any other units connected to it.
If you have several units, you can tell which one is generating the light show by looking at the
green LEDs. The first unit in line will automatically generate the light show and will flash its LED in
time with the music. The other units will have their LED’s on continuously.
You can set several special options on the dip switches which affect how the unit behaves in stand
alone mode; see page 6.
Futurescan 1CE, Gladiator Revolution
DuoColour CE:
Remote control
You can black out the unit (and any others connected to it), make it strobe or scan slowly using the remote
control, if it is connected. On the DuoColour you can also manually select colours using the remote control.
Note: If you connect other manufacturers’ products to the DMX output while the unit is in stand
Abstract CE Manual
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07/11/2010 6:04 PM