Information for installation
Additional information for radio sensors in different operating modes
The system for collecting temperature data in the thermostat (radio transmitter) and their transmission via radio communication to
the receiver is a flexibly applicable point-to-point connection with data output in form of a 0 ... 10 V analog signal respectively via RS485
interface to superior control systems. The system allows only one receiver at a time to communicate with one transmitter. Any further
connection attempt is not permitted. That enables operation of several radio communication systems in parallel.
Installation notes
The receiver must be supplied with operating voltage 24 V DC (see operating instructions).
It is mandatory to ensure correct polarity!
In the process LED 2 lights up momentarily. After ca. 10 seconds, initialising is completed and LED 1 is lit permanently. Now receiving
condition is reached.
After switching on (plugging the jumper next to the battery compartment, see operating instructions), the radio transmitter (thermo-
stat) automatically searches for a receiver. Only if transmitter
receiver have no receiver respectively transmitter assigned to it yet
(ex-factory condition), they connect with each other. In the process the receiver assigns a unique ID number to the transmitter, which
determines affiliation. This is indicated by momentary double blinking of LED 2 at the receiver and almost simultaneous double blinking
of the LED at the transmitter (normal behaviour during installation). Now transmitter and receiver are firmly interlinked with each other
and can no longer be assigned to any other receiver respectively transmitter without a prior manual reset. In case several unassigned
receivers (receivers not being firmly assigned to any transmitter) are present within the transmitter‘s radio range, the one with the best
signal strength will automatically be selected. Therefore transmitter and receiver should be placed
in each other‘s immediate proximity
during the connection process between transmitter and receiver.
Behaviour of transmitter without receiver assigned to it
In case no receiver is found within the transmitter‘s range of coverage, the LED at the transmitter blinks 10 times momentarily in quick
succession and after ca. 1 minute, the transmitter tries again to find a receiver. That happens until either a receiver is found, or the
transmitter is put out of operation. If a receiver is found within the range of radio coverage, which already has a transmitter assigned to
it and therefore rejects any connection attempt, LED 4 blinks momentarily and after ca. 1 minute, the transmitter again starts trying to
find an unassigned receiver. That happens until either a receiver without transmitter assigned to it (in ex-factory condition) is found, or
the transmitter is put out of operation. Each start of a new search is indicated by the LED at the transmitter flashing up once whereas
here no LED at the receiver is flashing.
Behaviour of transmitter with receiver assigned to it
The transmitter measures the temperature once every minute and transmits the result to the receiver. This is indicated by the LED
flashing once. Almost simultaneously the LED at the receiver flashes up momentarily. That is only possible after a successful connection
is accomplished (normal operation). In case interferences in the radio network between transmitter and receiver should occur so that
the transmitter does not receive any response from the receiver, the transmitter will repeatedly try for ca. 2 minutes to send its data. If
the transmitter still doesn‘t find its receiver within that time, it will restart itself automatically and search every minute
for the receiver
assigned to it.
An automatic restart at the transmitter is recognised by seeing the LED lighting up for ca. 1.5 seconds. In case other
receivers should be within transmission range, they will not disturb. The transmitter will only connect to the receiver it belongs to.
Behaviour of the receiver
At switch-on (supply of operating voltage), a self-test is made and a free radio channel is selected. After ca. 10 seconds, the receiver is
ready to connect with a transmitter. The receiver writes each correctly received temperature value on the RS485 interface. Simultane-
ously an analog voltage of 0 V...10 V, analogous to the temperature range 0 °C ... 50 °C, is output to terminal „Temp“ (and „GND“).
Changing affiliations at the transmitter (manual rest)
The automatically found affiliation can only be cancelled by pressing pushbutton S1 respectively pushbutton S2 during switch-on. (Note:
That will reset the transmitter back to ex-factory condition.) During that the LED is constantly lit. After ca. 1 second the pushbutton can
be released and the transmitter can connect to another receiver. As soon as that happens, the LED goes out again.
Changing affiliations at the receiver (manual rest)
The automatically found affiliation can only be cancelled by pressing pushbutton S1 respectively pushbutton S2 during switch-on. (Note:
That will reset the receiver back to ex-factory condition.) During that both LEDs are lit. After LED 1 has gone out, pushbutton S1 can be
released and the receiver can admit another transmitter to connect.
Error message
A restart of the receiver is documented by a data packet of type ‚FF‘ via the RS485 interface. Also both LEDs light up for ca. 1.5 seconds.
After ca. 30 min of unsuccessful attempt to receive a packet from the transmitter, the receiver outputs the error signal ‚0000‘ of type
‚FE‘. In that case both LEDs are flashing up 20 times.
At the same time a value of 0 V is given the analog output to relay the loss of radio communication.
For changing batteries in the transmitter, batteries of type CR123A (3 V) must be used. To do so, the enclosure must be opened
to avoid damages.