The 8879 R
is capable of locating power utility frequencies. This MODE is useful for locating under-
ground primary and secondary power utilities. In certain circumstances, this MODE will also locate water
pipes, sewer lines, cable television, and telephone. The reason is that common electrical grounds are
sometimes found among these various utilities.
Select the 50/60~ (Hz) frequency on the R
. Select PEAK mode. Locate the conductor using the
PEAK mode.
This method is useful because of its speed and convenience. Start at a known reference point and keep in
mind that other conductors in the area may produce this same locating signal.
The T
is not required to locate in this mode.
Passive 50/60 Hz Locating
The GAIN up and down buttons are used to increase and decrease the gain in small amounts. If the meter
reading is very low, pressing the GAIN up button will center the meter reading to mid-scale. Likewise, if the
meter reading is very high, pressing the GAIN down button will center the meter reading to mid-scale.
Gain Change Indication
Push Button Depth
The only way to be sure of the depth of a utility is to exposes the utility.
At any given time, the depth readout may be inaccurate.
The 8879 R
can measure depth with the push of a button. The depth is displayed at the top of the
LCD display in feet or inches (meters and centimeters if requested). Push button depth is useful in quickly
determining the depth of the conductor during path locating.
Begin this measurement by locating the path of the cable or pipe. Move to the location where you want to
measure the depth. Stay at least 15 feet (4.6 meters) away from the T
. Pin-point this location as
accurately as possible (see Peak Mode Locating page 19, Null Mode Locating page 20 and Absolute Signal
Strength page 21). Place the R
vertically over the conductor and rest the foot of the locator on the
ground. While holding the R
vertical, press and release the DEPTH button. The R
will briefly
indicate a measurement is being performed and then display the depth at the top of the LCD display.
Caution must be exercised when using the push button depth feature, as tilted magnetic fields and adja-
cent conductors can significantly influence this measurement. The operator should periodically check for
adjacent conductors and tilted magnetic fields when taking push button depth readings. For information on
identifying tilted magnetic fields, refer to Tilted Magnetic Field Identification and Depth Measurement 45º
The 8879 R
is capable of passivly locating metalic utilities where radio frequecies have coupled to
the utility. This MODE is useful for sweeping a green area for utilities. In certain circumstances, this MODE
will locate water pipes, cable television, gas lines and telephone. This locating option does not always
detect buried utilities even when radio frequecies are present.
Select the RF frequency on the R
. Select PEAK mode. Locate the conductor using the PEAK mode.
This method is useful because of its speed and convenience. Start at a known reference point and keep in
mind that other conductors in the area may produce this same locating signal.
The T
is not required to locate in this mode.
Passive Radio Frequency Locating