PCB Assembly
Bend resistor leads 90° as shown for insertion into PCB. This Should be done one type at a time to avoid
mixing up the values and placing a resistor in the wrong place by accident. These parts are non
directional but must be installed in the correct location.
Install and solder resistors R1(L) – R9(L) and RLED, being careful to put the correct values in the correct
places, match the value to the location using the BOM. This can be done one resistor at a time, or in
groups of 2-6 for best results.
Install and Solder the chip sockets Dip1 – Dip3 onto the board in the IC2 – IC4 locations, the indent on
the chip socket should match the indent shown on the board. By installing all of this type of part before
soldering, the board will sit flat making the soldering process easier. This also helps the components sit
flush and tight to the board. A piece of paper or card stock placed on top of the board works well to hold
the parts in place while the board is flipped over for soldering.
Install and solder C3, C6, C9, C10. The same technique used above works well for these and any parts
that are the same height.
Trim off the two plastic legs from the bottom of the LED holder. This allows the LED to sit flush on the
PCB providing proper alignment with the front panel LED hole.