There are three settings for your RVibrake3: Brake Type, Brake Pressure, and
Sensitivity. To choose your settings, use the Command Center tablet. The tablet
must be paired to RVibrake3 to change settings.
Brake Type
RVibrake3 is designed to work with both Vacuum and Active
assist brake towed vehicles. Most vehicles are Vacuum assist
vehicles. This means the car uses a master brake booster to
boost the pressure when braking.
Active brake vehicles have constant electrical or hydraulic systems
to assist in braking, whether the engine is running or not. Most
hybrid and diesel vehicles use Active assist brakes.
To determine what Brake Type your vehicle has, consult your
Manufacturer’s Owners Guide or call Customer Service
Brake Pressure
In Vacuum Brake Type, choose the vehicle type that most
applies to your towed vehicle. In Active Brake Type, choose the
PSI level for your car.
Brake Pressure determines how hard RVibrake3 will push on
the brake pedal. The lighter the car, the lighter the pressure.
To ensure the correct Brake Pressure for your vehicle, see the
Brake Test on page 6.
: If you are towing an SUV, always begin in the Small SUV
setting. If you have Active brakes, always begin at 5 PSI.
Most RVers pulling a towed vehicle will run in
Panic Only
means RVibrake3 will only participate in
emergency brakings.
Make sure to heed all warnings and alerts from the Command Center tablet or
audio prompts from RVibrake3. Failure to do so could result in brake damage.