Flat, 90-degree tenons can be used on
applications where you need to connect a log
to a flat surface such as a wall, stair, table,
chairs, or any flat wood like 4 x 4’s, square
posts, etc. The 90-degree flat tenon will
provide a larger gluing
area, as not only can you
glue the tenon, but glue
can also be applied to
the tenon shoulders.
To make an angled
tenon you simply need to drill the pilot hole at your desired angle.
The cutter will follow the pilot hole. The versatility of a 90° cutter can
be adapted easily to fit your particular angle or application.
E-Z 45° LOG SINK (countersink)
The E-Z Log Sink is used to countersink your mortise
at a 45 degree angle to match the 45 degree log
tenon shoulder.
This provides greater contact between the mortise
and tenon, may create a stronger joint, and creates a
“beefier” look.
The E-Z Sink comes with two of the most popular
bushing sizes; 1-1/2” and 2”. Both bushings are
secured to the shaft with set screws. They are milled
a few thousand’s of an inch smaller than typical
mortise bit sizes so that they do not bind up when
inserted into the mortise. The bushing which is not
being used can be stored on the top of the shaft.
The bushing to be used should be fastened securely
to the end of the countersink by tightening the set
screw to the flat portion of the shank. You then simply insert the bushing into
your mortise and slowly start your drill to countersink the edges of the mortise
to match the 45-degree log tenon. This may require longer tenons, as they
will fit deeper into the mortise.
The E-Z Sink is NOT a drill bit. It is a countersink bit.
You must first drill the mortise using either a 1.5” or 2”
flat spade drill bit, or a forstner bit. The E-Z Sink is then
inserted into the mortise. Slowly start your drill so that
the the blades start shaving off the edges of the mortise.
The depth of the countersink will be determined by how
deep you drilled your mortise. Because the tenon fits
deeper into the mortise after it has been countersunk,
you may need to drill a deeper mortise, or trim the