Russound X5 Controller Streamer Amplifi er Installation Manual
The XStream™ X5 integrated streamer off ers AirPlay, optional
multiple popular digital cloud-based streaming services such as Pandora®,
TuneIn™, SiriusXM® and others. To simplify and recognize which XStream™ X5
device you want to operate within the distributed audio system, it is suggested
that a unique name be assigned to each device. Each stream can provide status
and network profi le information through its built in web server. Additionally,
users can rename the X5 stream for personalized identifi cation. The X5 uses
Apple’s Bonjour service discovery protocol. It is recommended to use the Safari
web browser as it provides simplifi ed access to devices using Bonjour. Within
the Safari browser, fi rst select Bookmarks. The Safari browser shows collections
of bookmarks including devices that are discovered using the Bonjour service.
By selecting "Bonjour" in the collections list, all devices discovered will be listed
as a bookmark within the list. All X5 streams that are enabled will be displayed
in the Bookmark list for selection. Double-click the particular stream for which
you would like to view details for.
Once selected from the Bookmark list, the X5 stream will serve up its web
portal. The third option is “AirPlay”. This displays the X5 stream name as seen
when using AirPlay. To change the name, simply enter the new name in the
“AirPlay Speaker Name” text box and hit the “Apply” button to save. The X5
web portal also provides information about the selected streaming module.
The fi rst option is ‘Status’. This provides information about the streaming
module which would primarily be used for troubleshooting. The second
option in the web portal is ‘Administration’. This displays the device name
and network profi le information for the selected X5 streaming module. This is
primarily used for wireless confi gurations, wired confi gurations and network
set up and troubleshooting. The third is “Support’ and is used primarily for
checking system updates, contacting Russound for support and corporate
contact information. See the Quick Guide for more information about the web
server tools built into the XStream™ X5.
The SCS software used to program and confi gure the X5 is available to
registered dealers via download at With your PC laptop,
you can confi gure the system prior to connecting with the XStream™ X5
controller. You can also confi gure the controller over Ethernet (read from
device/write to device) when the XStream™ X5 is connected to the network.
If your system contains more than one X5, you will use SCS to program each
unit. The software has a ‘Setup Wizard’ to simplify source confi gurations. Once
confi gured, the system information and confi guration can be saved to a fi le.
Saving this fi le and writing it to another X5 can help speed up the process of
programming individual X5 products in the system. Details and help menus
are built into SCS to help you through the programming.
Note: A USB driver is included with the SCS download in the same folder.
Have the "" fi le unzipped and waiting (not installed yet) in a working
directory. With the XStream™ X5 connected on the same LAN as your PC,
Windows will prompt the user for driver information for the XStream™
X5. Point the prompt to the working directory with the USB driver. It will
automatically download and update the X5. Don’t attempt to operate the X5
during fi rmware updates. Doing so could cause undesired results.
Note: The X5 and other Russound controllers require professional installation.
Like many Russound products, the X5 requires signifi cant training, construction
knowledge and networking experience.