Painting the Speaker
The speaker mounting bracket, enclosure, end caps, and
grille can be painted. If you paint the speaker, be sure
not to get paint on the speaker drivers. Also be sure to
minimize paint buildup so as not to clog the grille holes.
1. Gently pull off the speaker grille, making sure not to
distort it.
2. Mask the speaker terminals and baffl e (the area on
the front of the enclosure that houses the drivers).
3. Paint the bracket, enclosure, end caps, and grille
separately. Spraying is ideal, but if you can’t spray the
paint, a roller with a short or medium nap will work
better than a brush. Apply one or two light coats.
4. While the paint is still wet, clear any clogged holes in
the grille with bursts of compressed air.
5. After the paint has thoroughly dried, remove the
masking. Gently press the grille back into place on
the speaker, using even pressure around the edge.
Run a separate 2-conductor stranded copper speaker
cable of at least 16 AWG (1.5 mm) from the amplifi ed
keypad or amplifi er to each speaker. Be sure to use
cable with the appropriate fi re resistance rating for the
application. Check the local building code for specifi c
requirements. Russound offers 2- and 4-conductor
speaker cables with a Class 3 fi re rating for in-wall
When running a speaker cable parallel to an AC power
cable, keep them at least 12 inches (30 cm) apart to
minimize electromagnetic interference. If the speaker
cables must cross AC wiring, cross them at right angles.
Leave about 2 feet (0.6 m) of cable at each end for con-
necting to the speakers and keypad or amplifi er. Label
the cables so you will know which cable connects to
each keypad or amplifi er output channel.
Mounting bracket
End cap
RM691 speaker assembly